Thursday, January 13, 2011

New year and new challenges.

Good Day and welcome to the Year 2011. This is the year it all changes for you. What? You say it has all been said before? No, I am sure this is a new statement.

Yes, it has been said many times and will be said again in the future. Here we are in a new year and the goal is still the same, Fat man's journey to 200 pounds. I can not speak for the others you have heard from on here but it has been a journey that has not gone well. Sure there have been small victories but the war is far from over.

In December of this year I received news that I have allergies to egg, wheat, corn, shellfish and a variety of nuts. I was prepared for a couple of these items as they are the reason I had the test in the first place, but others shocked me. I have developed a reaction to cashews and undercooked eggs that caused me to ask my doctor about it come physical time and he ran a small battery of tests. When it came back with wheat I was floored. I am a man who loves his wheat in all the forms, bread, cake, BEER, ugh Beer. Luckily the allergies are not the kind of falling on the floor and needing a shot but they could develop into it.

So, what does it mean for me? I get to run thru an elimination diet. Cut out everything that includes the things on my allergy list for several weeks and then one at a time reintroduce them to see how my body reacts to them. This should help in another aspect of my life, my weight. This is going to help me work on integrating more fruit and vegetables into my eating habits. That has to be good, right?

OK, that is all for now. I plan on tracking this as I go along gentle viewer and I hope it entertains.

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you my friend.
    I am anxious to see how your elimination diet turns out. I may be right there with you soon. Of course, I know of my allergy to wheat, and that I can't eat any gluten, but with all the rest of yours it just brings a whole new world. I'm not a beer drinker so I don't know how good they are, but I do know there is gluten free beer. (just in case.)

    I will be following your progress, and hope things are much easier than anticipated.
