Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Article: Skim milk compared with a fruit drink acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women

Thanks to jydorff for sending me the link.

I haven't read the whole article since I don't have a login to the site but the abstract is interesting.


  1. Interesting - our chiro has some random facts on his TV screens that pop up - one of them I've noticed recently was this: 90% of dieters in some study say that drinking a full glass of water helped quell late night hunger pangs. We've tried it and while not always - sometimes it does make a big difference. Perhaps we confuse hunger and thirst/dehydration sometimes? I sure seem to.

  2. From what I have read you are right. Often when our bodies are dehydrated/thirsty we think we are hungry and end up eating food we don't really need when all our bodies really want is a big glass of water.
