Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Update: Dale (6/23/10)

Time for another quick update.

A weekend at the beach and a week traveling to TX was not good for my eating plan. So after getting back on the Primal Blueprint track things are starting to move in the right direction again. Down. That's right down. As of Saturday (6/19/10) morning I'm down 31.2 lbs in 14 weeks. Which is about 2.2 lbs per week. Overall since January that brings the total lost to 37.2 lbs!

So still on the right track. Back to about 80% primal diet and still feeling good.

Monday, June 21, 2010

In which I try a fun game to loose weight - Scott

So my new online buddy Z over at turned me on to a great music site by the name of Scrub Club Records. Recently the advertised a weight loss contest and me being the sucker for contest that I am, I signed up. This one is being geared to the geekier crowd and incorporates ideas from D&D and Old School RPG Video games into it. You start out a level 1 character and pick your path, be it warrior, monk, shaman or bard and do things by your class to gain experience. Highest level at the end is the winner. There are two categories, "celebs" and "fans". I am looking forward to how this one "plays" out.